
Issue Title
Vol 9, No 3 (2015): Management Science and Engineering The Experience and Enlightenment of Foreign Industry University Research Cooperation Education Abstract  PDF
Baojun SUN, Chunhua FENG
Vol 8, No 2 (2014): Management Science and Engineering HiEduQual: An Instrument for Measuring the Critical Factors of Students’ Perceived Service Quality Abstract  PDF
Annamdevula Subrahmanyam, Bellamkonda Raja Shekhar
Vol 11, No 2 (2017): Management Science and Engineering Factors That Influence the International Students’ Decisions to Study in Malaysia Abstract  PDF
Shuai ZHANG, Lang DAI
Vol 8, No 4 (2014): Management Science and Engineering Analysis on the Necessity of Public Financial Security During the Process of Popularizing Upper Secondary Education in China Abstract  PDF
Dan JIANG, Yan PU, Shuxi ZHOU
Vol 7, No 3 (2013): MANAGEMENT SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING Optimization Model of Higher Education Resources Allocation Based on Genetic Algorithm Abstract  PDF
Xilin ZHANG, Shiming LI
Vol 3, No 4 (2009): MANAGEMENT SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A Critique of “Moral and Character Development” Abstract  PDF
Ping LIU
Vol 7, No 3 (2013): MANAGEMENT SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING Organizational Commitment of Teachers and Role of Their Employment Traits in the Context of Higher Education Institutions of Pakistan Abstract  PDF
Hamad Khan, Bahadar Shah, Faqir Sajjad ul Hassan, Shadiullah Khan, Najeebullah Khan
Vol 6, No 2 (2012): Management Science and Engineering An Analysis of the Competitive Strategies Employed by Private Universities in Kenya: A Case Study of Private Universities in Nairobi Abstract  PDF  Indexed/Included/Archived
Lawrence N. Kimando, Grace Wachera Njogu, Maurice Sakwa
Vol 14, No 2 (2020): MANAGEMENT SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING Effects of Entrepreneurship Education on Entrepreneurial Intention Abstract  PDF
Idris Adegboyega Onikoyi, James A. Odumeru
Vol 5, No 3 (2011): Management Science and Engineering The Effect of Education Condition for the University-industry Collaboration: A Case Study of Faculty Mechanical Engineering in UMP Abstract  PDF
Chencheng JIANG, Normah binti Othman
Vol 5, No 1 (2011): MANAGEMENT SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING The Effect of Students’ Perceived Service Quality and Perceived Price on Student Satisfaction Abstract  PDF
Sik Sumaedi, I Gede Mahatma Yuda Bakti, Nur Metasari
Vol 5, No 1 (2011): MANAGEMENT SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING The Study of Barrier Factors in Knowledge Sharing: A Case Study in Public University Abstract  PDF
Azlyn Ahmad Zawawi, Zaherawati Zakaria, Nur Zafifa Kamarunzaman, Nazni Noordin, Mohd Zool Hilmie Mohamed Sawal, Natrah Mat Junos, Nurul Shahida Ahmad Najid Najid
Vol 4, No 4 (2010): MANAGEMENT SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A Study of LF and, GSE Among Mathematics Students in Math Classes in Payam e Noor University of Maragheh Abstract  PDF
Narges Sariolghalam, Mohammad Reza Noruzi
Vol 7, No 1 (2013): MANAGEMENT SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING Investigation on the Importance and Construction of Double-qualification Teacher Team Abstract  PDF  indexed/included/archived
Jian ZHANG, Wenxian TANG, Haiyang ZHAO, Zhenxin TANG, Xuelong TAN, Kai YAO
Vol 6, No 2 (2012): Management Science and Engineering Incidence, Profile and Economic Determinants of Poverty in Pakistan: HIES 2005-06 Abstract  PDF  Indexed/Included/Archived
Ahmed Raza Cheema, Maqbool H. Sial
Vol 5, No 4 (2011): Management Science and Engineering Achieving Sustainable Infrastructural Development in Developing Nations: Project Management Education to the Rescue Abstract  PDF  indexed/included/archived
Babatunde O. Odedairo, Muritala O. Oke, Basirat A. Oyalowo
Vol 5, No 3 (2011): Management Science and Engineering Integrated Appraisal Management System for PE Undergraduates of General Universities Abstract  PDF
Yuhui ZHU
1 - 17 of 17 Items

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