ISSN 1913-0341 [Print]
ISSN 1913-035X [Online]
Frequency: Quarterly
Language: English
Founded in September 20, 2007
Release dates: The 20th of March, June, September and December
Publisher: Canadian Research & Development Center of Sciences and Cultures (CRDCSC)
Email: mse@cscanada.net; mse@cscanada.org
Address: 1055 Rue Lucien-L'Allier, Unit #772, Montreal, QC H3G 3C4, Canada.
Founded in September 20th, 2007, Management Science and Engineering is a quarterly academic journal focused on coordinating and guiding teachings as well as serving as a platform for sharing experience and knowledge, and offering information in Management Science and Engineering. In order to encourage academic brainstorming, we are soliciting your contributions throughout the year.
Tips for Submission
Subject Matter
Subject Matter is the primary criterion for selection. Our subject areas include: academic dissertation with a special topic, academic dissertation on seminars, academic book reviews and comments, academic research results on your major or related subjects, excellent essays from graduates and postgraduates, knowledge on the management science and engineering, introduction to some related computer software such as SPSS, Excel, etc.
Management Science and Engineering collects articles written in English only. All the articles should include a title, an abstract and a summary written in English. (If you need we to translate your articles, please contact us.)
All the articles should include the following items in the following order: Title page, including the topic of the essay, the names of the author as well as the department or organization he is working both in English and Chinese, birth year, gender, native place, title, academic degree, the fund project of the article ( i.e. the background information of the financial support. Please write down the name and the number of the project.) APA style. For citation format, we require parenthetical citations within the text rather than endnotes or footnotes.
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Article Submission: 0.00 (USD)
Article Publication: 350.00 (USD)
Join Us as a Reviewer or Editor
We sincerely welcome experts and scholars to cooperate with us as our editors and reviewers. For more please contact office@cscanada.net
Notes (please read)
1. The manuscripts are required to be written in English, and they should be submitted to mse@cscanada.org or caooc@hotmail.com.
The preferred format is MSWord, but the Tex/LaTex format is also acceptable.
2. We will send you a confirming E-mail in two days after receiving your article. Please contact us if the E-mail is not timely delivered.
3. The review process is about 14-60 days. We will immediately send you the reviewers’ comments by an E-mail. Please contact us if you haven`t got any information in two months.
4. You will receive on free sample of the issue that contains your article. Please contact us if you haven`t received it in a month.
5. The copyright of the articles goes to the authors, while MSE owns the first publishing right.
6. As for the publication fees, 20% of the articles are free, on the basis of assessment results given by our editorial team. Excellent articles will be published with no charge, but others will not.
Management Science and Engineering is filed by Library and Archives Canada, and collected by the database AMICUS of Canada, indexed by ProQuest LIC., Gale, EBSCO Publishing, Ulrich's of America, indexed by CNKI of China, indexed by Journal TOCs of England, indexed by Open J-gate of India.