An Integrated Approach for the Study of Symbolically Inspired Literature

Ron Shane, Lauren Kupis, Alva Liang


This paper is an essential work to any individual who is involved in trying to comprehend the literary, creative process. This article represents a bifurcation of literary art in terms of how this kind of creation is either derived from the subconscious of the artist, or represents, in platonic terms, the fusion of self with ineffable mental machinations. Theorists like Coleridge, Karl Jung and Shelley postulated paradigms where literary art was either created purely from the practitioners’ subconscious mental activities or were muse-driven to where the artist abandoned all aspects of his or her psychological dynamics. This work is an essential reading for anyone in literary criticism who is interested in the mystical dimensions of sublime creation as well as Neoplatonism. The author creates a theoretical model where visionary artists are capable of a deeper coalescence with subtle energy dynamics which is not understood by conventional neuroscience.
The true man is the source he being the poetic genius… No man can think write or speak from his heart, but he must intend truth… As non by traveling over known lands can find out the unknown, so from already acquired knowledge man could not acquire more. Therefore a universal poetic genius exists… (Blake, 1790, pp.2-3).
No, lead me where some heavenly silence glasses the purer joys. That rounds the poet throng… (Goethe, 1962, p.45).
The poets eye in a find frenzy rolling,/doth glance from heaven to earth, from earth to heaven,/and as imagination bodies forth/ the forms of things unknown, the poets pen/ turnes them to shapes, and gives to aire nothing a local habitation and a name./Such tricks hath strong imagination… (Shakespeare, 1952, p.536).


Visionary poetry; Karl Jung; Shelley; Poetic inspiration; Coleridge; Imagination; Wordsworth

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