The Social Discrimination in Alice Mead’s “Girl of Kosovo”
This study aims to describe the discrimination found in Alice Mead's novel Girl of Kosovo. The author uses the sociology of literature approach as a field of study of literary works. This approach is an approach in literary studies whose goal is to get a picture of the state of society through literary works. The research method applied to Girl of Kosovo is qualitative research. The primary data source used in this research is the novel Girl of Kosovo by Alice Mead. Data collection technique used is the technique of reading notes. This study uses reading techniques and note-taking techniques as data collection techniques. A qualitative descriptive analysis technique was used in this study by analysing data on the description of social discrimination contained in the Girl of Kosovo novel accompanied by quotations to clarify and strengthen the problem under study. The results of the research show that there are several types of discrimination contained in the novel Girl of Kosovo by Alice Mead. Every form of discrimination raised is directly proven through textual data derived from excerpts from the novel.
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