Effects of Customer Knowledge Management’s Eight Factors in E-commerce
In the new context, two major factors determine the future survival or success of organizations: electronic commerce and the knowledge from customers. In order to survive and reach the future success of the organization, acceptance of E-commerce and using the internet as a policy and incentive to access and gather important information from the customers is stated. Thus, the goals of the research were figured out, and investigating the relationship and application of customer’s knowledge management in gaining competitive advantages of organizations in E-commerce and also the 8 followings factors were investigated: knowledge from customers, knowledge for the customers, knowledge about customers, recording and spreading customers’ knowledge, quality of the products and services, pace of providing the products and services, reasonable prices and satisfaction as the output and result of using customers’ knowledge management on organizations competitive advantage variable in E-commerce. The statistic tests used were: Kolmogorov-Smirnov, simple linear and multiple regressions; the results extracted from the above tests stated the linear relationship and correlation between independent and dependent variables. The results of this study had shown the application of the customers’ knowledge management would lead into gaining competitive advantage for the organizations in e-commerce.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3968/3945
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