Harmonious Management Pattern of Knowledge Management
As knowledge emerges as the primary strategic resource in the 21st century, many firms are beginning to introduce and implement knowledge management (KM). Organizations can benefit from its application for enhancing decision support, efficiency and innovation, thus helping them to realize their strategic mission. However, the previous works on KM mainly focused on the technological solution aspects and cause many examples of failure around the world. In this paper, harmonious management (HM) pattern of knowledge, which is the application of theory of HM to KM, is employed to analyze the cognition and reduction of uncertainty during the KM. It is concluded that, in order to promote KM to be effectively carried out, organization must attach same importance to person and material factor. Through constructing pattern of HM, it will eliminate and reduce the uncertainty and provide the feasible strategic framework for the KM beyond the previous dilemma of KM.
Key words: Knowledge; Knowledge management; Harmonious (Hexie) management
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3968/j.mse.1913035X20120604.ZR0042
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