
Search Thesis Abstracts

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Vol 12, No 2 (2016): Advances in Petroleum Exploration and Development Research on Well Testing Interpretation Method of Polymer Flooding Considering Variety of Polymer Concentration in Reservoirs Abstract  PDF
Guangyu TU, Chunguang YANG, Chunguang YANG, Chunguang YANG, Xiaona CUI, Chunguang YANG, Xin LI, Xiaona CUI, Xiaona CUI, Xin LI, Xiaona CUI, Xin LI, Xin LI
Vol 10, No 1 (2015): Advances in Petroleum Exploration and Development Research and Application of the Technology to Increase Viscosity and Viscosity Retention for Polymer Solution Prepared With Oilfield Wastewater Abstract  PDF
Yongqiang PAN
Vol 3, No 1 (2012): Advances in Petroleum Exploration and Development The Performance of Polymer Solution Added with Viscosity Stabilizer and the Evaluation of Its Oil Displacement Efficiency in Daqing Oilfield Abstract  PDF
Jianguang WEI, Qingjie ZHANG, Zhenhai JIANG, Haijun ZHANG, Xiangcai NI, Hongyan SHAO, Zhonghui WANG
Vol 6, No 2 (2013): Advances in Petroleum Exploration and Development A Comparative Experimental Study of Sweep Efficiency in Naturally Fractured Reservoirs Abstract  PDF
James J. Sheng, Faizan Nasir
Vol 5, No 1 (2013): Advances in Petroleum Exploration and Development Treating Heavy Oil Wastewater for Beneficial Use by Integrated Technology of Bio-Oxidation and RO Abstract  PDF
LI Jingting, LIU Xiaobo
Vol 11, No 2 (2016): Advances in Petroleum Exploration and Development Study on Flow Parameters Measurement Experiment of Polymer Solution in Porous Media Abstract  PDF
Jianguang WEI, Yuanyuan MA, Guocheng ZHANG
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