A Comparative Experimental Study of Sweep Efficiency in Naturally Fractured Reservoirs

James J. Sheng, Faizan Nasir


In this paper the performance of gel and polymer in fractured core plugs in laboratory is compared. The experimental results show that in a naturally fractured reservoir, the best solution to improve oil recovery should be such that the gel particle sizes are larger than the pore sizes, and the solution viscosity becomes very high after the particles contact with water. If the fracture is wide, the improvement of sweep efficiency by a polymer solution is limited because the polymer solution could flow through the fracture channel. The results in this paper provide us with guidelines to select proper polymers to improve sweep efficiency.
Key words: Sweep efficiency; Naturally fractured reservoirs; Polymer solution; Oil recovery


Sweep efficiency; Naturally fractured reservoirs; Polymer solution; Oil recovery

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3968/j.aped.1925543820130602.1726


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