Spreading the Wings and the Words: Hybridization & Dissemination of Palestinian Literature
The paper presents Palestinian literature as a unique example of nationalistic literature inspired by the political milieu and historical context, aimed at reviving and regaining the lost essence of the Palestinian identity. It argues that there are supra-literary factors involved in writing about Palestine adhered to, more or less, by most writers. It explains that writers who write about Palestine, as well as readers, do not start with a blank page; writers have a set of themes to choose from, readers, moreover, expect to read a story along the lines of an optimistic and futuristic framework: A positive hero(ine) with a positive conclusion beyond all odds.
The paper also discusses the general characteristics of Palestinian literature and its various subgenres, titles and their thematic implications on writers, stories and readers. The paper provides a brief critical overview on how writing about Palestine is viewed as part of the resistance and a contribution to the national cause. The paper presents a real life example in the biography of Ghada al-Karmi, the typical hybrid Palestinian refugee stressing that it is not the “whereabouts” of the Palestinian authors which shape their literary vision, it is legacy of their Palestinian origin and identity that is nurtured in their being but ceased to exist in real life.
It concludes with stressing that the particular and unique nature of Palestinian literature should not hinder the audience from appreciating its value. National and ideological literature, unlike the stereotypical belief, can still walk hand in hand with creativity, both sharing in the presentation of a memorable human suffering.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3968/8478
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