Investigating Domestication and Foreignization in Alf Laylah Wa Laylah: Sinbad The Sailor
This study aims to determine the literary work of Alf Laylah Wa Laylah in Arabian Nights: Sinbad The Sailor, and identify semantic strategies and translation techniques in Arabian Nights: Sinbad The Sailor which was translated from Indonesian to English, identify the ideology and methods used by translators in translating Sinbad. The Sailor and the story of 1001 Malam, analyzes the methods of domestication and foreignization in Sinbad The Sailor and analyzes the foreign ideology and domestication applied in the translation of Sinbad The Sailor into Indonesian in the story of 1001 Malam. Foreignization is a source-culture-oriented translation which strives to translate the source language. Meanwhile, domestication is a target language-oriented translation where if there is a foreign source language it will be translated into a more familiar target language This research was conducted through a descriptive-quantitative approach. Data were collected through document analysis which includes content analysis and descriptive analysis. The results has shows that partial foreignization and domestication translation ideologies in Arabian Nights: Sinbad The Sailor.
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