Differential Effect of Role Play Method and School Location on Senior Secondary School Students’ English Language Skills Acquisition in Awka Education Zone
Skill acquisition is an essential requirement for successful living and survival in the ever growing world of technological changes. It is a sine qua non in education; but majority of secondary school students do not have much practice in the classroom and this affects their acquisition of the language skills that lay the foundation for good education and effective socialization. The quest and concern to ameliorate the situation prompted this study to examine the differential effect of role play method and school location on secondary school students English language skills’ acquisition. Two research questions and two hypotheses were used in the study. Quasi experimental involving 2x2 factorial designs was employed. Sample consists of 180 students drawn from 4,024 SS2 students in the 62 public secondary schools in the Zone using multi-stage sampling. English Language Skills Acquisition Test (ELSAT) validated by education experts and found reliable using Kendal-W for essay/letter writing type questions and Cronbach Alpha for multiple choice and oral/speaking questions was used for data collection. Data collected were analyzed using mean and standard deviation for research questions and ANCOVA for hypotheses testing. The findings revealed among others that students in experimental group acquired the language skills more than those in the control group. The findings further indicated that students in both urban and rural schools in the experimental group had great improvement in their language skills acquisition though the students in the urban schools outperformed those in the rural schools after the experiment. This showed that school location is a significant factor in students’ acquisition of English language skills when role play method is used.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3968/12534
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