Problems and Solutions in Bi-Foreign-Language Talents Cultivation in China’s Universities

Jianfeng BU


To cater the needs of social development, some universities in China set the program of bi-foreign-language study in recent years. As a new program, some problems still exist, which include learning hours, teaching methods, learning difficulties and teacher training. In this article, we have summarized the problems in the talent cultivation mode from four perspectives. First, too many learning hours in class and great stress from learning are a prevailing problem among the students. When setting the learning hours of the curriculum, universities should try to find a balanced point between teaching time and students’ learning stress. Second, the problem in teaching method is that teachers rarely make contrastive analysis of the languages. It is suggested to make comparison or contrast between L2 and L3, so as to improve the efficiency of classroom teaching. Third, the difficulty encountered by the students is lack of time for autonomous study after class to ensure the learning of both languages. Teachers must help them improve their efficiency by utilizing their language aptitudes and apply appropriately their language learning strategies to L3 learning. Lastly, lack of trilingual teachers has become an obstacle hindering the development of the program, so there is an urgent need for the universities to provide training for


Bi-foreign-language talents; Third language acquisition; Foreign language education

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