Intercultural Adaptation of Chinese Guest Teachers in the U.S.
As one of the Chinese Guest Teachers Program during 2010-2011, I got a real feel for the serious problem―intercultural adaptation, which most Chinese guest teachers are facing. If we do not pay enough attention to the problem and take action in time, these problems may cause some other unfavorable results such as an ineffective in Chinese language teaching or a massive pressure of the Chinese guest teachers themselves.
This thesis researches the relationship between social-cultural adaptation and psychological adaptation with two main factors, Chinese guest teachers’ intercultural training and length of stay in U.S., then verifies intercultural adaptation model theory; the thesis also shows the social-cultural adaptation and psychological adjustment condition of Chinese guest teachers is positively correlated with the length of stay in U.S.. Moreover, the author arrives at the conclusions on the basis of research results, as well as indications for Hanban to improve intercultural adaptation training for Chinese guest teachers.
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