Evaluation Framework and Model of Oil Industry’s International Competitiveness

Songbiao HE, Fang WANG, Wenfeng LI


In the occasion of economic globalization, competitiveness of the pillar industry has become the core of the regional competitiveness. As the largest industry in the world, oil industry’s international competitiveness is referred to as the important figure of one country’s comprehensive competitiveness. So it may discovery a large of information for people by structuring an evaluation framework of oil industry. We need create a set of evaluation index system when structuring an evaluation framework, so it means that the first step for us to do is to find suitable evaluation indexes. In this paper authors created an evaluation index system of oil industry to evaluate its international competitiveness, which was structured from the aspects of current competitiveness, potential competitiveness and environmental factors. Then a fuzzy evaluation model based on two-base-point method was designed to act as the evaluation model. And we can evaluate oil industry’s international competitiveness of any country by the model. An empirical analysis was made by several selected well-known oil-producing countries, and it showed a good result of evaluation.

Key words: Well-known Oil-producing Countries, Industry competitiveness, AHP, Evaluation Framework and Model


Well-known Oil-producing Countries, Industry competitiveness, AHP, Evaluation Framework and Model

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3968/j.sss.1923018420120301.Z2447


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