A Conceptual Framework for Livestreaming on Behavior Outcomes: The Role of Influencers

Yuerong ZHOU, Xiaojie HAN, Yueyuan ZHOU


Livestreaming is characterized by its immediacy, authenticity, and the ability of the audience to interact with the creator or streamer during the stream. Live streaming activity achieved tremendous popularity from the availability of diverse platforms. During livestreaming activity, influencers are considered to be powerful marketing tools due to their perceived credibility, authenticity and relatability. Firstly, this paper defines livestreaming and influencers. Then, from literature review, we developed the conceptual framework which proposes the following propositions: atmosphere and presentation skills are positively related to product brief; product belief is positively related to consumer choice, consumer trust and consumer identity; consumer identity, consumer trust are positively related to consumer satisfaction; sales promotion is positively related to consumer satisfaction but negatively related to consumer trust. The discussion and conclusion are concluded.


Livestreaming; Influencers; Product brief; Consumer trust; Consumer identity; Consumer satisfaction

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3968/12867


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