Environmental Sustainability in Andalusian Rural Accommodation: Perceptions by Gender

Andrés Carretero-Sosa, Francisco Sánchez-Cubo, José Mondéjar-Jiménez


Social commitment through environmental interventions is becoming an increasingly important aspect of making decisions since ordinary citizens are becoming more demanding and, consequently, they analyse how companies can respond to this challenge. In this context, Spain, as a top provider of tourism services, is no stranger to this demand. This paper attempts to answer this question within one of the most promising types of tourism: rural tourism. Using second-generation statistical techniques (PLS-SEM), the impacts of environmental management on this type of tourism were analysed from the perspective of the client - and their gender - as an influential factor. The main results showed a marked influence of the environmental awareness in both genders, being customer participation the dimension in which differences were found as women seemed to be less active.


environment; environmental impact; gender; rural tourism; SEM

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3968/12670


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