A Synopsis of State-Local Intergovernmental Relations

Igbokwe Philoemna Ify


The paper examined the intergovernmental relations between the states and the local governments. It examined the factors necessitating conflict between the states and local governments and ascertained the relevance of healthy state-local relations to grassroots development. The methodology adopted for obtaining data was based on documented secondary data. The results revealed that the relationship between the state and local governments is precarious and the causes of conflict between them include the withholding and non-remittance of fund belonging to the local government. Furthermore, the undue interference by the state governments in the affairs of the local government. The study concluded that the overbearing power exercised by the state governments over the local governments should be addressed, for democracy and development to thrive.


Local; State; Intergovernmental; Conflict; Relations

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3968/12052


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