Perception of Travel Agents Towards Amadeus And Galileo Global Distribution System
This study was conducted to assess the perception of travel agents towards Amadeus and Galileo Global Distribution System in some selected travel agencies in Lagos Island, Lagos state. Two hundred and forty-three (243) questionnaires were administered while two hundred and seven (207) were retrieved. The first hypothesis was tested using Pearson chi-square value which was less than 0.05 (p=0.000) thereby rejecting the null hypothesis which implies that there is a significant relationship between using Global Distribution System and Travel agencies. Result also reveals that the Pearson chi-square value of the second hypothesis is less than 0.05 (p=0.000) thereby rejecting the null hypothesis which implies that Global Distribution System contributes to the development of travel agencies. Therefore, Global Distribution System helps in the development of travel agencies. Other findings are; Amadeus Global Distribution System is used more than its counterpart Galileo Global Distribution System. Also, Global Distribution System has helped broaden staff knowledge towards reservation and hotel bookings. Based on these findings, it is hereby concluded that Global Distribution System Amadeus is quite prevalent and more used among the agents working with airlines; Global Distribution System Amadeus assumes the foremost position in relation to Galileo Global Distribution Systems, primarily due to the evolution of software that is tailored specially to meet the desires of individual users, allowing the availability and exchange of quality information to enormous number of users, thus linking tourism related companies in the global networks.
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