Socioeconomic Factors Relevant to the Inequity in Antenatal Care Accessibility in Vietnam
Introduction: To inform maternal health improvements, the purpose of this study was to identify the socioeconomic factors affecting access to basic antenatal care (ANC).
Methods: 1,360 women (aged 15-49 years) from the Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey were classified according to the frequency of ANC and the health assessments completed.
Results: Low education was the strongest determinant for refusal to use ANC (OR: 9.2-39.3; p < .01) and frequency of use below the three recommended visits (OR: 6.9-39.3; p < .01). In terms of quality of care, low income (OR: 5.6-25.6; p < .01) and living in the Northern Midland and Mountain area (OR: 5.9-8.1; p < .01) were associated with incomplete care.
Conclusions: Different approaches are needed for each group, including measures such as improving health literacy and advocating for better services in low-income regions.
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