Identity perspective of Iranian Society Toward Cultural Study of Language
Culture has a significant function due to the learning and teaching of a language. The most important issue is that language teaching accompanying with culture can boost students’ understanding of the nature of the language, communication and human relations.
The goal of this research is to illustrate that culture and language are inseparable and to introduce the ways of enhancing linguistic comprehension. At the first look, language and culture seem two separate fields, but they twisted together and impact each other reciprocally and inevitably language can be considered a part of culture and plays an immense role in it.
This phenomenon can be discussed as the social knowledge. It means we gain this expertise subconsciously. By improving the language, the awareness of our knowledge and our culture will develop. We learn to categorize the world around us by a special language according to acquiring words through the transmitting of the culture.
In this work, destroying of local languages and dialects accompany culture and identity loss in the capital city “Tehran’’ has been investigated by population expansion and increased migration linked to urbanization.
When the migrants establish a residence in Tehran, face a different language spoken, Farsi, so they have to handle matters of their personal and cultural identity.
This aspect of urbanization can destroy the native language of the migrants and then their identity and culture might be threatened.
In this study, I have debated the populated shift toward Tehranian language, Farsi as a national language in Tehran, from local and Indigenous languages and dialects such as Gilaki, Lori, Azeri Turki, Kurdish and others (Arabic, Mazandarani, Arabic, Talysh, Balochi,Turkaman) over the generations by analyzing twisted identity and culture.
Diversity of languages in Tehran, a metropolitan zone, has been illustrated in viewpoint of increased migration and rural-urban fluctuation in population toward chasing a modern lifestyle which erode identity of a territory joint to the language.
Potential changes in language and identity over the recent generations were analyzed by considering the population of new inhabitants based on the migration from small cities or villages to Tehran.
In this article, the results have indicated recent loss in identity and culture of local and Indigenous languages in Iran due to dying a language which has been influenced by migration toward urbanization.
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