Unpacking the Nexus Between Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) Sit-at-Home Order and Socio-economic Development in South-East Nigeria
An environment devoid of security threats is not only needed for human existence but also a critical factor that determines the socio-economic development of every country, region or state. Drawing on this perspective, this article aims to examine the correlation between Indigenous People of Biafra Sit-at-home order and socio-economic development in South-east Nigeria. This was a qualitative study driven by secondary data which include newspapers, journal articles and conference papers among others. The findings of the study reveal that Indigenous People of Biafra Sit-at-home order has significantly affected economic activities and human security in the South-east but has no significant effect on academic activities in the region. It is also revealed that efforts put in by various governments (federal and state governments) to stop the order have not yielded any concrete result. The practical implication of the above is that economic growth and human security in the South-east will continue to be a mirage until this issue is seen to be addressed. Arising from the above, this article majorly recommends for a dialogue between the federal government and Indigenous People of Biafra so as to return the region to its progressive path.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3968/12942
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