A Memetic Analysis of Advertising Language
With the progress of the times and the prosperity of society, advertising waves seem to spread to every part of our social life. Wherever you go, you have been surrounded by advertising. Nowadays, in this information society, advertising have evolved into a medium of transmission, and they exert a large and indispensable influence on the people’s life. The ultimate purpose of advertising is to initially create an impressive image in the consumers and then to persuade them to make a purchase of the goods advertised. From the above consideration, it is of great value to give a detailed analysis of the advertising. Any advertising relies on the transmission of language and therefore its analysis focuses on the advertising language. Lots of linguists have conducted numerous research on the advertising language, its structure and also the relationships between advertising and culture. This paper tried to deal with the issue from the angle of Memetics with the intention that it could offer a novel perspective to study advertising language.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3968/12473
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