Clash of Identities and Ethno-Religious Conflict in Kaduna State Nigeria
Over time Clash of Identities in Kaduna North-west Nigeria often manifest into ethno-religious conflict in the state. This paper examines however the nexus between politics, ethno-religious and sharp identity question that formed the basis of ethno-religious conflict in the area. These however, affect sustainable development in Kaduna state. Historically, this conflict has played itself out in the contest for space, resources and access to power between different communities in the state; it also accesses how state failure and elite competition for power and resources in a multi-ethnic nation causes ethno-religious conflict and sharp identity question in Kaduna state. The paper adopts Human Needs theory. This theory explicates the reason to meet basic needs of man and if these needs are not met, conflict is likely to occur. The paper also adopts qualitative methods of data collection; this is drawn from both primary and secondary sources of data. It utilizes instrument of in-depth interviews with the key actors, community leaders and religious leaders. It is the finding of the paper that politics of identity and ethno-religious conflict have been the fundamental issue that poses security challenges to Nigeria. These challenges have taken the form of bombing, injury; killing and kidnapping that threatened Nigeria national security. The study recommends that government; ethno-regional and religious groups should adopt preventive diplomacy and dialogue to attaining cohesion and symbiotic relationship.
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