ICT Psychomotor Teaching Strategy in Oral English Class in Akure, Nigeria
Teaching oral English in an ESL environment is a complex exercise which requires appropriate instructional aids and methods, conducive learning environment, as well as, teacher competence. These requirements can be guaranteed by Information and Communication Technology (ICT). However, how much of ICT facilities are available and functional in secondary schools in an L2 situation in a developing country is an issue. The study examined the effects of ICT on students’ academic performance in oral English in a quasi-experimental design involving experimental and control groups with 200 male and female students from four purposively sampled secondary schools in Akure North Local Government Area of Ondo State, Nigeria. Oral English Achievement Test (OEAT) was developed, validated and used for data collection administered as a pre-test: before the treatment and as post-test: after the treatment, for four-week duration. Three research questions were raised and three hypotheses were tested at α=0.05 level of significance. The data collected were computed using t- test statistics. Study revealed that there is no significant difference between the learning achievements of students in rural and urban schools taught oral English using either ICT tools or chalk and talk strategy. It also showed that using ICT tools as a psychomotor strategy for teaching and learning stimulates learning and promotes better understanding of oral English among secondary school students. The study recommended that ICT facilities be made available for the teaching and learning of oral English in secondary schools and that teachers should be adequately trained to effectively use the facilities.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3968/11617
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