Libyan Journalists under Attack in Conflict Zone: The Challenges to Protect Transparency by Using Information and Communication Technology
Violence against journalists has increased in Libya, and many journalists have fled as a result of civil wars and Islamic groups such as ISIS, the main challenge for journalists covering war and conflict between civilians and Islamic groups such as ISIS. The article places a particular focus on the Investigation on political and financial corruption, the violations against Libyan journalists, and how can we protect Libyan journalists and the source of information?.
Our findings suggest that journalist needs to increase collaboration among members of the journalist community to generate and promote a solution that will ultimately provide journalists with comprehensive protection, and the governments should respect for the profession of journalism itself which is fundamental to guarantee that journalists who gather information about war and conflict are protected. Reporters must investigate about the financial and political corruption issues.
Finally, it’s necessary to amend the laws of the international community to be more protection for journalists not only through organizations but we should make a cooperation of all international organizations and agencies to protect journalists from killing and torture.
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